Case studies and testimonials
The Outcomes Star is widely used by hundreds of organisations with frontline services in the UK and across the world. As a practical way of delivering person-centred, strengths-based, outcomes-driven support, the Star can be used by organisations of all shapes and sizes, from individual practitioners and local charities through to local government departments and NHS Trusts. Read our document Introducing the Outcomes Star.
New case studies:
Triangle are developing more case studies that show how the Star has been effective in different projects, services and organisations. If your organisation use the Outcomes Star and you would be willing to contribute to a case study about your services and staff, please contact us for more information.
Watch our short video, filmed at Triangle’s November 2017 event celebrating over 10 years of the Outcomes Star, and hear from three professionals as they share their experience of using the Outcomes Star in their organisation:
What people say about the Outcomes Star
Since its original publication for the homelessness sector in 2006, many different sectors have led the demand for new versions of the Star. One of the key reasons behind its popularity is that the Star works on many different levels and meets the needs of many different stakeholders involved with frontline services.

What service users say about the Star
Service users say they like the way it breaks change down into manageable steps and gives them a picture of progress.

What keyworkers say about the Outcomes Star
Keyworkers say they like it because it helps them focus on the whole person, not just the immediate problems.

What managers say about the Outcomes Star
Managers like the consistency and structure that the Star brings to keywork, and appreciate the clear data it provides on service outcomes.

What commissioners and funders say about the Outcomes Star
Central Government, commissioners and funders say they like the fact that it both supports good practice and gives evidence of impact.
The Care Quality Commission’s national overview of Learning Disability services published in June 2012 identifies lack of person centred planning embedded in service delivery as a key issue in learning disability services. However it reports that of the services adopting a person-centred approach, the Recovery Star is an example of good practice in person centred planning.
The Department of Health in the UK featured the Recovery Star in their 2009 Strategy Consultation Paper for Mental Health. The DoH funded the Mental Health Providers Forum to promote the Recovery Star in five of the ten Strategic Health authorities in England, as well as funding the development of the Well-being Star for people with long-term health conditions.
The National Social Inclusion Programme’s Outcomes Framework for Mental Health Services lists three ‘recognised social inclusion outcomes measurement tools’, one of these is the Homelessness Outcomes Star and one is the Mental Health Outcomes Star.
Chartered Institute of Housing features the Homelessness Star in its qualification for keyworkers in homelessness services.
The Office of the Third Sector has published a report entitled ‘Social Return on Investment – and commissioning: How commissioners can use SROI to achieve better results’ which refers to the Outcomes Star in its case study of Camden’s Sustainable Commissioning Model